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MVHS Art Club gives students the opportunity to meet weekly in a more relaxed and informal setting to discuss and work on art. Students may work on projects of their own interest or may use the time as an extension of an enrolled art class.  The Art Club is a fun way to use your talents to give back and fellowship with other artists. The Art Club may be asked or invited to participate in area shows, field trips, college visitations, etc.

Our mission is to provide art club members with an opportunity to express their individuality through the creation of artworks and give back to our community, school, and others, using our talents and gifts in unique ways.  


When do we meet?
Tuesdays, Thursdays
Where do we meet?
Classroom AG1
Google Classroom code?

314 N 9th St, Mt Vernon, WA 98273

Phone: (360) 428-6100

Fax: 360-428-6152 

Web. Design: Grace Matson

Is this website missing something? Contact mvhsartsclub

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